Javier Pérez Herreras

Javier Pérez Herreras

Arquitecto, Socio fundador de TALLER BÁSICO DE ARQUITECTURA

AyE Partners | 2025

C/Mutilva Baja 17, Bajo 31006 Pamplona

C/Miguel Ángel 4, 4º 13 28010 Madrid

Carta de presentación

avier Pérez Herreras (Spain 1967) is a phD in Architecture from the University of Navarre. His research activity, which he develops at different universities, is always related to his professional activity, shared with the architect Javier Quintana at their studio Taller Básico de Arquitectura.

His creative and artistic route begins in a laboratory made from Air boxes (2000), analyzing the domestic adventure of the avant-garde. At the Spanish Pavilion of the 8th Biennale di Venezia, he proposes future ways of inhabitation and at the Forum of Barcelona he exposes a proposal for 400.000 houses. He builds Professors’ houses and an Umbrella house. From these experiences he publishes The fragmented house (Parma 2009) and Storybook houses (Istanbul, 2011). The city in which we look (Chicago 2010) is understood as Artificial Natures and Organic Geometries (San José 2009). Besides, public architectures in the city, conceived through competitions as exploration places, become a reality at the Parliament of Navarre and the Library of Pamplona, exhibited in the Spanish Young Architects exhibition. The new public architecture defines New species of spaces (Nottingham 2012) based in a new Architectural Anatomy (London 2010) which was explored in the Ericsson Centre (FAD 2002) and catalogued in The Phaidon Atlas.

In the methodological route he designs a creative reason matrix: Ideo-Logic: Notebook of equations (2006). As Dean of San Jorge University (2005/09) he develops the implementation of An Academic Itinerary (Illinois 2011) and the design of a new Campus (FAD 2008) which gives room to New spaces for Higher Education (Board of Chancellors of Panama 2007). He was Associate Editor in the International Design Journal, and since 2008 he is member of the Arquitectura journal’s Advisory Board and international advisor for the PLAN 2013 of the School of Architecture of Costa Rica University. He is professor at the University of Zaragoza and visiting professor at IE University.

Centro cívico Orkoien
Centro cívico Orkoien
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